HEROFI IDO Whitelist

HEROFI IDO Whitelist

Closed IDO & IGO Whitelists

HeroFi is a mobile aRPG game in which players can earn tokens through PvP/PvE battles between Heroes.

Each Hero is unique and equally accessible to anyone.

There is no initial investment barrier in HeroFi. HeroFi is completely free to play, and truly play to earn. The gap between normal games and NFT games is eliminated.

HeroFi allows players to collect and trade NFT heroes. Then for the first time, heroes can get married and give birth to a new NFT hero.

HeroFi is a mobile aRPG game where you can build up a powerful army to fight in fierce battles. After winning each battle, you can get a reward of collectible resources. These resources are used to craft valuable assets that could be exchanged for real money.

Joining the fantasy world of HeroFi, you will have the chance to meet legendary heroes like Dragon Knight, Phantom Slayer, or Golem – the descendant of Titans. Recruit them all in your squad. Then level up your strategy skill while customizing the army. Each of them has an unique skill set that will be crucial for you to beat all the game challenges.


Time: Aug 28, 1PM UTC – Sep 05, 1PM UTC

Location: whitelist.herofi.io

Prize for top ref: 2x Heroes

Allocation for #whitelist: $80k (800 spots FCFS, each spot max $100) 

Instructions: docs.lz.finance/ido-guide-how-

Registration: https://whitelist.herofi.io/?ref_by=4V4f9eWUzYcxegz-pS